War is a horrible last resort when two parties fail to resolve their dispute peacefully. When the loss of even one life is a mindless tragedy, risking it for what you believe renders honor is whisked with the saying “All is fair in love and war”. Ukraine handed us two crises. The second is the danger of escalating the tit for tat ending in a looming disastrous WWIII with a Nuclear arsenal aimed toward major cities.
First is its territorial conflict with Russia. As the saying goes, “It takes two to wrangle”, Ukraine’s president Zelensky in their “60 Minutes, April 10” interview said, if we wanted to give away any territory, there would be no war. Shouldn’t we all strive to discourage both sides as catastrophe is very possible when Russia gets its back against the wall similar to what happened in WWI in the nearby territory?
Following and more in the Background, and update sections, you can find a multifaceted view of Ukraine’s war’s Theater, Cast of Characters, and Media Campaign (investigating/Instigating reporting).
It is tragic that these two neighbors are fighting. They are the same people, bad, good and ugly (see BBC reporter) despite whatever they call each other (Putin calling Ukrainian Fascist because of their cooperation with Nazis against Jews). We can break down Russia/Ukraine relationship from beginning to end (suggested by Kissinger). We will find out that the word Russia links to Kievan Rus and the history of these two regions is intertwined. Some of the post-WWII top Russian Federation leaders; Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Chernenko, and Gorbachev have ties to Ukraine. The end looks worst, as it comes across as an impasse to annihilation when Zelensky says we will win the war and Putin doesn’t tolerate losing it.
Ukraine had pro-Russian Oligarchs in power who were overthrown by riot. Where the pro-Western Oligarch was replaced by an actor from a tiny minority Jewish community. Whether it is human trafficking or hacking of Internet accounts, it wouldn’t be certain if it is from Ukraine or Russia. While territorial war has been going on for the last 8 years, it is as much a Demographic war as a Geographic and in fact, if it had happened 22 years prior to that, we would call it the Civil War.
Dangerous Self-fulfilling Prophesy: As Einstein calls it insanity otherwise, “history repeats itself”. Ukrainian officials rightfully compare Putin with Hitler, arguing for more isolating and pressuring rather than appeasing him, They should go one step further back to find out that Hitler was first humiliated and isolated as a person being put into prison and as a German being forced to lose part of Poland, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia plus paying deep reparation, excuse Black District and Federal Attorneys are using for Black criminals in the U.S.A.